Invitation to the film preview «Merveilles de la nature - Le monde perdu des Galapagos»
Dear friends of the Galapagos Islands,
We would like to invite you to an interesting event in Lausanne.
Mrs Elizabeth Rochas-Gillant, owner of the company "Voyages de Rêve" has organised the preview of the film.
"Merveilles de la nature - Le monde perdu des Galapagos".
The event will take place
on 30.04.2022 from 17:00 (start of the film 19:00)
at the Centre Pluriculturel et Social d'Ouchy, in Lausanne.
This French film shows the Galápagos Archipelago in impressive images. After the film, you will have the opportunity to ask questions to the director of the film. There will also be a varied supporting program. For further details, please see the attached information flyer.
Admission is free for all members of the Friends of the Galápagos.
We would be very pleased if our board member Dr. Bernard Landry could welcome you on this evening in Lausanne.